my 5 goals for 2019
1. I want to be more positive. I think that a positive attitude attracts positive things. That is why I want to adopt a different attitude. I see the life different, I learned how levy it in a good way. I want to stay positive even when it is more difficult. 2. I want to restart my company because we stopped for almost a year. I have a company called « Heaven Rose ». I did this with my best friend Vanessa Chayer. During the last year, we developed different design. We sold sweaters, t-shirts and hoodies. It was working perfectly but we stopped because it costed too much money and I did not work at this moment. In addition, we could not leave our clothes because it was so complicated with the web site. Therefore, we decided to stop for those reasons. Finally, my second goal is to develop new designs and to invest more time in that project. 3. I want to discover myself. This means that I want to grant more time to myself and take care of my mind body...